2024-2025 4th Grade Class Supply List

4th-Grade Supply List

Student Handbook


Student Dress Code

2024_09_30_12_57_30 student dress code

2023-2024 Specials Calendar

23-24 Specials Calendar

2023 March Newsletter

March 2023 Newsletter

2022 April Newsletter

April Calendar



  • April 1 – No School (No Foolin’) Friday School
  • April 6 – After School Band/Color Guard
  • April 7 – 6th Grade Immunizations
  • April 8 – No School
  • April 11 – 15 – Spring Break
  • April 18 – Start of WYTOPP Testing
  • April 22 – Mustang Roundup/Spirit Day
  • April 29 – No School (Friday School)

Principals Message

This time of year, I reflect on the many blessings we all enjoy.  The children that we share are one of the greatest joys in my life.  Parents who support our efforts are another blessing.  I believe we are here to serve you and I value the partnership we have.  Our turnout for parent teacher conferences was nearly 100%.  There are many data points that indicate what we are doing together makes us a GREAT SCHOOL in terms of growth.  However, in terms of achievement, the learning loss due to our COVID situation has impacted many students readiness for the next level.  Everything you can do to help in terms of basic skills in reading and math will serve your child well for the future.



I believe we can always be better tomorrow than we are today. We are always examining areas for improvement.  We analyze data to identify who needs more help to be prepared for “Success at the Next Level.” Our teachers are constantly working to meet the needs of all students as they collaborate about challenges to overcome. As stated in previous newsletters, anything you can do to help students understand and work with fractions is invaluable. In addition, reading and math fact fluency are very important for students’ success. 



Our counselor, Mrs. Kurt-Mason, also seeks to help students in a variety of ways as they develop socially and emotionally. From mindfulness, to conflict resolution, to cognitive assessments she is a phenomenal asset and support.


If you ever have feedback that will help us grow and improve in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me or another appropriate staff member.  Finally, if you ever have questions about our practices or programs, please feel free to give me a call at 307-885-2472.



Mr. Klein

In addition, our counselor, Mrs. Kurt-Mason, seeks to help students in a variety of ways as they develop socially and emotionally.  From mindfulness, to conflict resolution, to cognitive assessments she is a pheIf you ever have feedback that will help us grow and improve in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me or another appropriate staff member.  Finally, if you ever have questions about our practices or programs pl

March Mustang Mentors

Mustang Mentors are students selected by their teachers for demonstrating strength in one or all of our 8 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills:  Name It to Tame It, Body Awareness, Focused Attention, Self-Awareness, Golden Rule, Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, & Leadership.  

 Mustang Mentors are announced once a month at our Mustang School Spirit Day and will be honored for one month.  Their photos will be posted on the Mustang Mentor Wall.  If you would like more information about each of our 8 skills, please email abkurtmason@lcsd2.org

Back Row (l-r): Cameron Trefren, Samuel Larsen, Alex Montiel-Ramos, Yaretzi Vazquez, Denali Sanchez, Kellsi Dunne, Sanoe Sale, Kayla Hubbard
Middle Row (l-r): Myla Simpson, Derek Crowther, Oliver Visser, Ian Mattson, Adeline Miles, Bridger DeMello, Chloe Richmond, Serenity Estrada
Front Row (l-r): Mr. Crowther, Nathan Naef, Matthew Clark, Delaney Judd, Abigail Bentlage, Gray Olenslager, Cylas Grant, Isabelle Jaques, Tanner Grubbs, Sophie Fuller, Scarlet Coombes, Mrs. Kennedy




Hayden Kennedy and McKinley Frye

For earning 100 AR points in one school year from recommended books on the Honors List.



Earned by

Back: Rachel Smith, Emmaline Crook, Cayson Haderlie, Levi Kilpatrick.                                 Front: Dawson Probst, Emily Kilpatrick, Sawyer Crook

For reading all ten titles nominated for this years Wyoming Children’s Book Award

Congratulations to Taylie White and Cayson Haderlie for Earning the Great American Citizenship Challenge!  They worked hard to accomplish this award.  You Rock!

        As you can see, things are never dull at                                     Etna Elementary!

  • Our Curiosity Cure Enrichment class was a Creative success. 
  • Our orchestra students love performing impromptu concerts.
  • Literacy Week concluded with a fun assembly learning about “Oh, The Places You Go.”
  • Our 4th grade had an afternoon of reading with gummy worms. “Book Worms”.
  • Our Mustang Spirit Assembly is always loud and fun.
  • And to end March, the tech students competed in March Madness Typing Competition.
  • Finally – Each class in PE completed for the most laps in 3 minutes. See bottom pictures for grade level winners!


March Madness Typing:  6th grade

1st: Yaretzi Vazquez 2nd: Nola Simpson 3rd: Jake Simmons

March Madness Typing: 5th grade

1st: Sawyer Crook      2nd: Treygan Davis    3rd: Cayson Haderlie

March Madness Typing: 4th Grade

1st: Legend Weber    2nd: Dawson Probst  3rd: Sonnie Sale

April Lunch Menu

Nurses Message

2022 March Newsletter

  • Feb 28 – March 3 – Literacy Week
  • March 1 & 2  – After School Enrichment
  • March 4 – No School (Friday School)
  • March 8 & 9 – After School Enrichment
  • March 11 – No School
  • March 13 – Daylight Savings Time 
  • March 14 – 17 – Book Fair
  • March 15 & 16 Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • March 16 – Field Trip to SVHS Musical “Footloose”
  • March 18 – No School (Friday School)
  • March 25 – Spirit Day, Mustang Roundup

Principals Message: This upcoming month is a critical time for your child’s learning. We are making the final push toward end of the year assessments and every instructional minute and activity are important. Making up work does not come close to receiving classroom instruction. So, we need students here daily unless they are contagious. I hope after our parent teacher conferences, March 15 & 16, we all have a clearer focus, greater resolve, and a sense of urgency about making sure students are equipped for “Success at the Next Level” at the end of the year. TOGETHER we can create a great future of career options for your child. This is an experiment to see how many parents read the newsletter. Any parent who emails keklein@lcsd2.org by Wednesday, March 16, will have their child entered in a drawing.
PTC sign-up link. https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Etna_Elementary

Book Fair- March 14 - March 17



These 11 students completed all the tasks necessary to earn a GOLD MEDAL in the READING OLYMPICS!

Hayden Kennedy, Clara Robinson

McKinley Thygerson

Enoch Scharmann,  Liam Miserany

Kayla Simpson

Emmaline Crook

Nola Simpson

Teagyn Carey

Koi Crosland

Carson Bizer


February Mustang Mentors

Mustang Mentors are students selected by their teachers for demonstrating strength in one or all of our 8 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills:  Name It to Tame It, Body Awareness, Focused Attention, Self-Awareness, Golden Rule, Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, & Leadership.  

 Mustang Mentors are announced once a month at our Mustang School Spirit Day and will be honored for a month. If you would like more information about each of our 8 skills, please email abkurtmason@lcsd2.org.  

Back Row (l-r):Brooklynn Long, Gracie Dunne, Josie Hitch, Zane Dunn, Jace Beebe, Evie Keith, Braylie Sanders,
Middle Row (l-r): Isabella Collins, Vera Loken, Willow Ooka, Bintli Hoopes, Branson Olenslager, Avery Black, Taralin Fletcher
Front Row (l-r): Maliah Titensor, August Humpherys, Amber Choma, Sonnie Makanonoi Sale, Kayla Simpson, Finley Stiefvater, Treygan Davis, Ella Metge

Gracie Dunne, Taegan Wescott,
Abbi Scherbel, Myklie Merritt,
Rylie Deming, Paige Gamble,
and Clara Robinson

have earned the


for reading all ten titles nominated for this Wyoming Children’s Book Award.

Boone Foreman


the new Etna Elementary School Record for doing 

73 Sit Ups. 

He beat the 2010 record of 70 Sit Ups!

You go Boone!

6th Grade Ski Trips

Etna Elementary 6th Grade had a great time skiing at Pine Creek Ski Resort.  They learned new skills and worked on developing better skills.  Thank you for your contributions that helped make this experience possible for our 6th Grade Class!

Our Special Olympians had a great time competing at the Afton Golf Course.  Congratulations to Ephriam Clegg for taking 1st place and our lovely Emily for taking 3rd place.

Leg Wrestling Champions!

6th grade:  Tucker Winters, Sanoe Sale, 5th grade: Creedin Collard, Emmaline Crook, 4th grade: Dawson Probst, Maddie Carley

March Lunch Menu

Nurses Message

2022 January Newsletter

January 2022 Calendar

  • Jan 3 – School Resumes
  • Jan 7 – No School
  • Jan 14 – Mustang Roundup/Spirit Day – 10:45 AM
  • Jan 14 – 5th Grade Maturation 1:30 PM
  • Jan 19 – District Spelling Bee – 9:00 AM
  • Jan 20 – 6th Grade Ski Trip
  • Jan 21- No School
  • Jan 28 – No School

Principals Message



All things considered, our attendance this year has been good. Our students have had a very low rate of COVID infection. Thank you for taking all of the precautions you have.  Every school day we are teaching and students are learning.  To that end, please make sure to schedule appointments, vacations, etc, outside of school time to the greatest degree possible. We are still playing catch up. If your child is not at grade level in math and reading, every day in school is that much more critical. Having every child ready for the next level is still our mission and our teachers pursue that goal each day.

Contact Information:

The New Year is a great time to update all of your contact information. If you have not been getting periodic emails and phone calls from the school, that means we do not have what we need to contact you. Communications during emergency situations will be done through email, phone messages, and also at twitter@EtnaElementary. The district twitter is, twitter@lcsd2wy.  Bussing infromation can be found on Facebook under LCSD2 Transportation. Lastly, I would encourage you to friend the Etna PTO Facebook page to stay connected to their many happenings.

Internet Safety: 

No child is immune to inappropriate content on the web. In addition, no child is above improper use of technology. Please know our monitoring software is very effective. We have had to deal with inappropriate use of technology several times and it has proven regrettable for the students involved. 

Bus Notes:  

Our transportation department faces logistical and geographical challenges every day.  To help them get all students home or to an alternate bus drop SAFELY and efficiently, please always send a note for any changes to your child’s normal route. A complete note with ALL of the information possible will secure safe and orderly passage from the school to the correct bus stop for your child. Please know, calls to the school after 2:00 p.m. to arrange changes to your child’s transportation are very difficult for us to accommodate.


Thank you for helping make this a great year at Etna Elementary.  We appreciate your support and all you do to make this a good experience for your child.  As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 307-885-2472.

6th Grade Ski Trips

The 6th grade ski trips have been scheduled for January 20th, February 4th and 11th. They will be skiing at White Pine Ski Resort in Pinedale, Wyoming.  More information on the Ski Trips will be sent home with your child.

       The students ski rentals and lift passes are entirely paid for from money they raised through the 6th grade fundraiser.


The Etna Elementary PTO is planning several activites for the staff and students in the next several months.  If you would like to help with any of the activites, please contact PTO president, Tina White at 307-880-8689.  The success of the activites is contingent on the number of volunteers.  

Some activites that the PTO would like to do are:  Celebrating the Arts, Literacy Week, Teacher Appreciation Week, Senior Walk and Field Day.

Watch for information on the Etna PTO facebook page.

                 December was a busy month at Etna Elementary.

  • We had a successful Etna After School Enrichment with classes in Art, Food, Physical Activities, Science, etc. 
  •  The students collected 848 items for the Thayne Food Bank along with items for Lucky’s Place, 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, and            The Turning Point. 
  • The 6th Grade Talent Show and The Christmas Carol play was enjoyed by students and parents.  A big thank you to Katie Thygerson, Maeve McKovac, and Mr. Kratz. 
  • The Grinch Play was presented by Mrs. Helgesen and Mrs. Stone’s classes. 
  •  The PTO provided each student with Hot Chocolate and Candy Canes and the students were able to listen to a book read by some special people: (Governer Mead, Jack Edwards, Ali Jack and Derek Astle) as a fun start to the Christmas break. 

January Lunch Menu

Nurses Message

2021 December Newsletter

                         December 2021 Calendar

  • Dec 1 – Etna Enrichment Express
  • Dec 3 – Spirit Day
  • Dec 7 & 8 -Etna Enrichment Express
  • Dec 9 – 6th Grade Maturation 1:30 PM
  • Dec 10 – No School
  • Dec 14 & 15 – Etna Enrichment Express
  • Dec 17 – No School – Friday School
  • Dec 21 – School Spelling Bee 1:30 PM
  • Dec 22 – 6th Grade Talent Show – A Christmas Carol Play 1:00 PM
  • Dec 23 – Early Release 10:54 – 11:04
  • January 3 – Resume School

Principals Message

This time of year, I reflect on the many blessing we all enjoy.  The children that we share are one of the greatest joys in my life. Parents who support our efforts are another blessing. Please know I believe we are here to serve you and value the partnership we have. Our turnout for parent teacher conferences was nearly 100%. There are many data points that indicate what we are doing together makes us a GREAT SCHOOL.

This time of year, I reflect on the many blessing we all enjoy.  The children that we share are one of the greatest joys in my life. Parents who support our efforts are another blessing.  Please know I believe we are here to serve you and value the partnership we have. Our turnout for parent teacher conferences was nearly 100%. There are many data points that indicate what we are doing together make us a GREAT SCHOOL.

As great as we are, we can always be better. We are always examining areas for improvement. We analyze data to identify who needs more help to be prepared for “Success at the Next Level.” Our teachers are constantly working to meet the needs of all students as they collaborate about challenges to be overcome. As stated in previous newsletters, anything you can do to help students understand and work with fractions is invaluable. In addition, reading and math fact fluency are very important for students’ success.

In addition, our counselor, Mrs. Kurt-Mason, seeks to help students in a variety of ways as they develop socially and emotionally.  From mindfulness, to conflict resolution, to cognitive assessments, she is a phenomenal asset.  If you have read this far, please send an email to keklein@lcsd2.org for your child to get a treat.

Finally, attendance is a very important aspect of school success. With only 160 days of school, each day is more critical than ever in terms of concepts to be learned.  If your child is not contagious with anything that could be brought to school, PLEASE have them here so we can invest in their readiness and work toward “Success at the Next Level.”

If you ever have feedback that will help us grow and improve in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me or another appropriate staff member,  In addition, if you ever have questions about our practices or programs, please ask.  Have a great Holiday Season with your family.


November Mustang Mentors

Mustang Mentors are students selected by their teachers for demonstrating strength in one or all of our 8 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills:  Name It to Tame It, Body Awareness, Focused Attention, Self-Awareness, Golden Rule, Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, & Leadership.  

 Mustang Mentors are announced once a month at our Mustang School Spirit Day and will be honored for one month.  Their photos will be posted on the Mustang Mentor Wall.  If you would like more information about each of our 8 skills, please email abkurtmason@lcsd2.org

Back Row (l-r): Lilyana Walsh, Teagyn Carey, Taylor Nelson, Mrs. Thygerson, Tripper Ivie, Tucker Winters,
Bristal Hagen, Nola Simpson
Middle Row (l-r): Wyatt Canfield, Zoe Jones, Bodee Newman, Kade Linford, Kysen Titensor, Holden Adams,
Owen Brown, Nevaeh Rainey
Front Row (l-r): Abelina Scherbel, Sydney Robinson, Madison Crosland, Brian Bravo Cazares, Tyler Roberts, Julianna Shockey, Legend Weber, Skylee Herd, Karter Jenkins, Clara Robinson

Annie Jr.

At 12:00 on November 18th, nerves and anticipation mounted. Forty-one students were transformed into the cast and crew for the musical Annie Jr. The first performance would start in an hour. Costumes were donned and the stage was set. New wireless microphones were taped to the cheeks of performers. Finally the moment had come. Orphans lay behind the curtain and listened as Mr. Klein announced to the audience (the entire student body) that the play was beginning. “Showtime!” The cast and crew of Annie Jr. performed spectacularly. They provided a heart warming performance that was, at times, zany! Through the weeks of hard work and rehearsals, students memorized lines, practiced being reliable members of a team, and found new passions. We are so grateful for the commitment and dedication of all involved.

Etna Elementary Turkey Trot


   Wednesday, November 24th, was Etna Elementary’s annual Turkey Trot. Mrs. Helgesen and the Star Valley High School Cross Country team worked together to make the day a success. The top three girls and boys in each       grade level received a certificate and the chance to display the             Turkey Trophy in their classroom for the month.  They also got to choose someone they admired to wear a turkey hat for the day. In spite of the cold and wet, the kids had a great time. 

If your child placed in the top of their age group and you would like a picture,               please call Mrs. Baker at 307-885-2472 and she will be happy           to share one with you.  


December Lunch Menu

Nurses Message

2021 November Newsletter

November Calendar

  • Nov  5 – No School
  • Nov 11 – Veterans Day
  • Nov 12 – No School – Friday Academy
  • Nov 15-19 – Parent Teacher  Conferences (Watch for sign-ups via email and website)
  • Nov 15-19 – Book Fair (Library open late Nov 17th)
  • Nov 18 – Annie Jr. Play – 1:00 pm and 6 pm
  • Nov 19 – Mustang Spirit Day
  • Nov 24 – Turkey Trot – Early Release 10:54 am
  • Nov 25-26 – Thanksgiving Holiday

Principals Message

Parent Teacher Conferences and Safety Drills

    Parent Teacher Conferences will be held face to face, via zoom or telephone call this semester.  Please use the link to schedule a time with your child’s teacher.  “Parent Teacher Conference Scheduler” We will assume the conference is face to face unless you or the teacher specify otherwise. We hope you AND your child will participate in the conference. We strive for 100% participation.

    For those of you who are new, in an effort to improve the consistency and accuracy of our academic grades, we use standards-based grading in grades K-6.  Students’ grades are marked relative to levels on a rubric and directly tied to learning standards.  However, we value a students’ marking in regard to behavior or citizenship just as highly as the academic portion of the grade book.  We also look at growth as the real measure to celebrate.  Learning is a journey not a destination, and we hope to move all students forward as far and fast as possible.


Emergency Drills

      In October, we practiced fire and earthquake drills.  Staff and students excelled at both of these.  However, whenever we conduct drills there is always more structure and supervision than will be possible in an actual situation.  For example, if a fire started during lunch, few of our children would be with their teacher.     

     Because we never know when we might have a fire, earthquake, or unwelcome intruder; we teach our students the principles for action and decision making. I believe knowledge is power and a sense of control alleviates anxiety. Students know we have plans and they know (in general) how to react in emergency situations. However, we need to do a little more preparation with them in the event we have a threat in the building.

     In school-wide discussions, we talk about three basic principles I believe they can remember: HIDE (securely), FLEE (until you are completely away from any chance of the threat), and FIGHT (when all else fails in the face of the threat).  The idea of a threat is scary, but I believe we need to empower students for their emotional benefit and physical safety, so they can respond if such a tragic event ever came to our campus.  We are working on an addition to our school-wide response protocol and that is the process for reunification for students and parents after an event.

     At some point we will be conducting an intruder drill. I will publish the date via email 48 hours in advance.  It is anticipated that our school resource officer and superintendent will be here to observe and participate in our drill.   If, for any reason, you believe participating in this drill will not be a productive experience for your child you may excuse them from the activity.



Thank you for helping make this a great year at Etna Elementary.  We appreciate your support and all you do to make this a good experience for your child.  As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 307-885-2472.

October Mustang Mentors

Mustang Mentors are students selected by their teachers for demonstrating strength in one or all of our 8 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills:  Name It to Tame It, Body Awareness, Focused Attention, Self-Awareness, Golden Rule, Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, & Leadership.  

 Mustang Mentors are announced once a month at our Mustang School Spirit Day and will be honored for one month.  Their photos will be posted on the Mustang Mentor Wall.  If you would like more information about each of our 8 skills, please email abkurtmason@lcsd2.org

Back Row (l-r): Johnny Evinger, Hayden Kennedy, Jillian Jackson, Ellie Petersen, Rachel Smith, Noah Stiefvater, Zoey Burnham, Jake Simmons
Middle Row (l-r): Colten Stroh, Emma Daniel, Braxton Martinez, McKinley Frye, Kirk Mobley,
Scarlet Tipton, Creedin Collard, Meysa Sutton
Front Row (l-r): Titan Titensor, Manny Clegg, Maddox Brog, Laila Mosgeller, Myklie Merritt,
Ezra Boogaard, Rylie Deming, Jaxton Dunne, Olivia Vogel, Ella Occhi

We want every student to have a wonderful Christmas this year!  If your family is in need of support this Christmas, The Bank of Star Valley will be sponsoring an Angel Tree Program.  We will be using their Angel Tree to make a great Christmas for your child.  The Bank of Star Valley will begin accepting applications November 1st.  The application is attached.  The application will need to  be printed, filled out, and taken to any one of the 3 branches of The Bank of Star Valley. 

     Etna Elementary welcomes two more staff members 


Mrs. Val Ruthardt  –  Title One Aide 

Mrs. Ruthardt has lived in the mountains for 27 years, having been born in Milwaukee, WI and lived in Minnetonka, MN for 10 years before moving to Star Valley.  She has been married for 41 years to Mr. Dave, the OT.  She has a married daughter who is a harpist and has 6 girls and one boy.  She also has a married son who plays the bagpipes and has one daughter.  Mrs. Ruthardt enjoys reading, sewing, needlework, puzzles, canoeing and playing with their Golden Retriever.

Miss Alicyn Brasseaux – Sped Aide

Miss Brasseaux was born in Idaho and lived several places before landing in Star Valley.  She graduated from Star Valley High School in May of 2021.  She loves music and sports.



Etna Elementary celebrated Red Ribbon Week the last week in October. All the students received a water bottle donated by The Bank of Star Valley and during the week they were able to earn stickers for their water bottle.  Monday was Physical Strength Day where they challenged several of our police officers and EMT’s in arm wrestling, sprint, and planks.  Tuesday was Healthy Eating and the students created a healthy snack with the help of the PTO.  Wednesday was Healthy Hobbies day where the students participated in classes such as, reading, nature walk, yoga, gratitude, service, etc.  The week ended with a dress-up day and and cleaning up the school. 

November Lunch Menu

Nurses Message