2021 EES April Newsletter

April Calendar

  • 5th – Return to School 
  • 5th – Easter
  • 6th – 11th Etna Enrichment Express Signups
  • 9th – No School (Friday School)
  • 13th, 14, 20, 21, 27 & 28 Etna Enrichment Express
  • 21st – Sixth Grade Tdap Shots
  • 23rd – No School (Friday School)
  • 30th – Mustang Mentor Celebration
  • 30th – School Spirit Day (Wear School Colors)
  • 30th – Classroom Placement Requests Due

Principals Message

This time of year, I reflect on the many blessings we all enjoy.  The children that we share are one of the greatest joys in my life.  Parents who support our efforts are another blessing.  Please know I believe we are here to serve you and value the partnership we have.  Our turnout for parent teacher conferences was nearly 100%.  There are many data points that indicate what we are doing together makes us a GREAT SCHOOL.


With all the complication COVID has brought to our school operations, I am grateful for the commitment of our staff, parents, and students.  We are the envy of many around the country who wish they were in school face to face learning.  Lets keep it that way by staying safe over the holidays.  Thank you for your diligent effort and commitment to education thus far.  Lets stay in school!!


As great as we are, we can always be better.  We are always examining areas for improvement.  We analyze data to identify who needs more help to be prepared for Success at the Next Level.  Our teachers are constantly working to meet needs of all students as they collaborate about challenges to be overcome.  As stated in previous newsletters anything you can do to help students understand and work with fractions is invaluable.  In addition, reading and math fact fluency are very important for students success.


In addition, our counselor, Mrs. Kurt-Mason, seeks to help students in a variety of ways as they develop socially and emotionally.  From mindfulness, to conflict resolution, to cognitive assessments she is a phenomenal asset.


If you ever have feedback that will help us grow and improve in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me or another appropriate staff member.  Finally, if you ever have questions about our practices or programs please ask.

March Mustang Mentors

Mustang Mentors are students selected by their teachers for demonstrating strength in one or all of our 8 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills:  Name It to Tame It, Body Awareness, Focused Attention, Self-Awareness, Golden Rule, Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, & Leadership.  


Mustang Mentors are announced once a month at our Mustang School Spirit Day and will be honored for a month.  Mentors will be featured in videos made by our student council and their photos will be posted on the Mustang Mentor Wall.  If you would like more information about each of our 8 skills, please email abkurtmason@lcsd2.org.  

Back Row (l-r): Finn Mattheisen, Luke Mattson, GiGi Buttram, Eliza Ryan, Hanne Opitz, Wyatt Stevens, Beckham Brog
Middle Row (l-r): Bintli Hoopes, Cade Beenken, KaeLana Crnkovich, Yaretzi Vazquez, Marcus Roberts, Willow Ooka, Dalton Jenkins
Front Row (l-r): Taylor Battleson, Paige Gamble, Sanoe Malin Sale, Kendra Anaya, Ava Sutton, Kate Weiler
Alissa Garnica, Bailey Sperry, Cameron Trefren, Riley Western, Koi Crosland, Hunter Kussy, Boone, Foreman, Braxton Martinez
(not pictured)

Katelynn Gaughan, Grace Wiebelhaus, Brooke Suter & Alex Montiel Ramos

have earned the


for reading all fifteen titles nominated for this Wyoming Children’s Book Award.

Candy Grams

This February, Etna Elementary once again participated in our annual Candy Gram tradition.  Candy Grams are anonymous positive notes that students and staff can send to each other.  As a bonus, they come with a piece of candy! These happen the week of Valentines Day.  The student council runs the Candy Grams, and then donates the profits.  This year was a success with over 1,000 positive notes sent around the school, and $546 raised.  Etna Elementary decided to donate the $546 to Star Valley Health in honor of all of their hard work in this unprecedented year.  Great job student council for helping spread joy within our community and our school!

Back Row (r-l): Caleb Crowther, Eden Adams, Alyssa Spencer, Kaelyn Green, Grace Wiebelhaus
Front Row (r-l): Rachel Thygerson, KaeLana Crnkovich, Bailey Sperry, Brooke Suter, Quincey Scherbel, Abbie Metge, Afton Hunting, Luke Mattson, Nathen Haderlie

Application for Classroom Placement

Parent input on student placement will need to be submitted using an application form that is available in the office and on our website under “Classroom Placement Application” at etna.lcsd2.org.  All requests can be either faxed to 307-883-3051, emailed to rhutchinson@lcsd2.org, mailed to the school at PO Box 5068, Etna, Wyoming 83118 or dropped off at the school.  Phone calls, emails, notes, or conversations with teachers about placement will not substitute for completing the form.  When making a recommendation, please consider the following:

  *  Every classroom in each grade level offers the same exposure to the curriculum.

  *  The process for making classroom assignments for the following year is time-intensive and very complex; ensuring students are considered individually for how they will succeed based on teaching style, learning style, interaction with peers in the classroom, student strengths, and teacher strengths.

  *  We cannot consider more than one request per student.

  *  Parent input is one determining factor and not the determining factor in placement.  While we work hard to consider parent input, placement from parent input is not guaranteed.  Teachers, along with myself, take the above listed factors into account when it comes to placing all students in classrooms.

  *  Application forms that are incomplete will not be honored.

  *  Parent input is due to the office by the end of the school day on April 30.  Any requests received after that date, including requests made once the class lists have been posted, will not be considered.

Thank you for helping make this a great year at Etna Elementary.  We appreciate your support and all you do to make this a good experience for your child.  As always, if you have any questions please feel free to give me a call at 307-885-2472.

Classrooms for next year – 

6th Grade – Mr. Johnson, Mr. Crowther, Mrs. Peterson and a new teacher

5th Grade – Mrs. Moore, Mr. Kinn, Mrs. Putnam, and Mrs. Wolfley

4th Grade – Mr. McKinney, Mrs. Kabonic, Mrs. Helgesen, Mrs. Stone 


Classroom Placement Request

April Lunch Menu

Nurses Message