March 26, 2021 by rhutchinson
Application for Classroom Placement – 2024-2025
Parent input on student placement will need to be submitted using an application form that is available in the office and on our website under “Classroom Placement Application” at All requests can be either faxed to 307-883-3051, emailed to, or dropped off at the school. Phone calls, emails, notes, or conversations with teacher about placement will not substitute for completing the form. When making a recommendation, please consider the following:
Thank you for helping make this a great year at Etna Elementary. We appreciate your support and all you do to make this a good experience for your child. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to give me a call at 307-885-2472.
David Saltzman, Principal, Etna Elementary
Classroom teachers for next year –
6th Grade – Mr. Crowther, Mrs. Kabonic, Mr. Mottl (New Teacher), Mrs Vrska (New Teacher).
5th Grade – Ms. Christie (New Teacher), Mr. Kinn, Mr. Rowe, Mrs. Wolfley
4th Grade – Mrs. Forsythe, Mrs. Helgesen, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Visser (New Teacher)